Saturday, August 3, 2013

The plan of development anti-age science

The maximum increase in life expectancy of the person is an ultimate goal not only gerontology, as a science about aging. Such directions as traditional medicine (therapeutic and intervention) and pharmacology (Geropharmacology, reception of various bioadditives and dietary supplements I too would refer to that), regenerative medicine and transplantology, a cryonics, methods of external factors modifying influence on life expectancy of the person (environment and climate, a food, psychological climate) also serve this purpose.  Besides, development of new technologies (computer, laboratory, diagnostic, etc.) will indirectly influence all above-mentioned. Today I would like to write some words  about how I imagine (some my reasons and ideas) the plan of a development anti-age science. 

1. FINANCING of researches directed on aging is key and probably one of the most important tasks. It is impossible without PROMOTING of information about reached achievements already now in this area. People have to understand really that, the mankind will step on new level after a win over aging. And financing has to have constant and increasing character and to have different sources.  I think that the program of "anti-aging " needs to be considered just as firm, which purpose not  to get  more and more money. As sources of finance can be used: creation of financial pyramids (offering information services in anti-aging and the latest medications, diagnostic services in gerontology), the state investment and grants, development of separate highly profitable projects (for example, projects on alternative energy sources), creation of bank uniting all scientists of the country (and not only), investment of certain individuals.The part of profit from realization of all energy resources of the country – would be sufficient for this purpose and it there would be a fast way of receiving funds for researches.
Besides for promoting creation of the hierarchical, ordered social network of one country uniting scientists is necessary or it is desirable all countries. The accession to this organization has to be obligatory and is initially state the adjustable. Subsequently the state could suggest this system to the commercial enterprises. Such social network would help to finish necessary information on aging to each scientist of the country or the world, promoted integration, to an exchange of experience and would involve in studying of aging of people pursuing science.What financing of the directions from presented will yield bigger result now which will allow to reach immortal life in the future?

2 A. Considering rates of scientific achievements of the last years in the field of gerontology medicine for an old age which will really prolong to the person life it will be created in 30-40 years. And geronscientists, which is now 60-65 years may be can’t get result of its work.
Probably activation of the financing of gerontology and in general science, its promoting, general interest of the population on a planet will increase rates of studying of this process, and period of receipt of an elixir of youth to be reduced, but all the same not all people to whom now 50-60 its years won't wait. But most of people, which will invest in projects on gerontology in the future, is 40 y.o. and older. Will they able receive results of investing in aging? Yes, but not all.
It seems to me, financing has to be directed first of all on a CRYONICS! I think that at excellent financing of this area successes will be in 5-10 years. Already now there are articles on modeling of freezing of the person, many experiences with the frozen bodies which confirm productivity of this method  were done. But I mean a freezing of the person not after his death -a freezing living people to whom really in the next some months threaten death. Cryonics has to be more important even than gerontology, as it while the only spare way ( or INSURANCE). By the way, medicine against an old age can be created much later, not in 40 years and through 100-200. Other questions:  Will be able cryonic people to be restored his mind to normal or future life? Even after a long anesthesia at operations people some time can behave enough not adequately … And I think that a cryonics will be even more traumatically. Now, a cryonics has high cost it has to be reduced the price or we are needed in other method for saving man.  For example  processes hibernation (lethargical sleep in human) at animals, or winter time for perennial plants have to more researching.  Medicamentous management this process will be cheaper and natural to the person.

2B. Also priority financing is deserved by ways which are directed on an intensification of scientific researches. It seems to me that system of giving and information extraction from scientific articles it has to be changed. Check on reliability and quality of article and scientific experiment has to be automatic. Extraction of the main thought and other material also has to be programmatically processed. Metaanalyses and reviews of scientific articles have to be formed independently, because of the quantity scientific articles grows every year, it will be and has to increase in the future. It will be promoted by change of the format of the scientific article. It everything will increase the volume of processed information. It would be very useful if some data from scientific articles (for example receptors, metabolites, other proteinaceous and not proteinaceous molecules) received and checked automatically on reliability were entered in programs on processing (for example the Metacore program) and the result was given in the form of schemes which would be analyzed by the person (or even the program automatically).
It everything would release a huge number of time at scientists, they could pay more attention to experiments though carrying out the last too has to be automated, more standardized and intensified. It would give could reduce time for information analysis, reduce the price of work, advance science much quicker. In my opinion it would be useful also if this program could completely dynamically and display biochemical process ontogenesis and filogenesis (hormonal changes eventually), and also to model future changes at addition of medicines dynamically.

2C. Just development gerontology, regenerative medicine and traditional medicine (which also includs of genetics ). These other directions too are important and without them a cryonics probably at all it doesn't make sense.  And certainly the main work also has to be conducted in these directions, along with cryonics and an intensification of scientific activity.  Probably even some projects on regenerative medicine (such as transplantation of organs, receiving blood of all groups (blood as organ) and regeneration of teeth, hair and other) can give financing for development and achievement of all other projects in regenerative medicine, in gerontology and traditional medicine. And it is possible to pay to them initial attention.
Reducing cost of sequencing and genotyping of DNA increase in number of these test will give the chance to improve achievements in general all DNA the analysis, will define DNA a profile of diseases that will make diagnostics of diseases of more exact, and treatment more directed. And development of a gene therapy (gerogenoterapiya) and a geropharmacology will add it.

3.  I think that, the studying of methods of external factors modifying influence on life expectancy of the person (environment and climate, a food, psychological climate) in comparison with other directions of achievement of immortality has smaller value then other. It is necessary, but it is no first and second things.

In conclusion I’d like to say that we don’t forget and that in parallel with increase in life expectancy of the person and development of scientific achievements in gerontology military intensity in the world will increase. Certainly break in gerontology in one country will lead to a big gap between people (states) having medicine for an old age for people (states) which this medicine won't have. And nevertheless, if we want to live and survive we have to win against aging. It will be a further step of development of evolution of mankind.