"Fierce is one of the two serious industry analytical powerhouses I get to read every day. So I need to congratulate my team for their heroic efforts and excellence in both AI and drug discovery on being included in this prestigious list. For five years we made bets on disruptive technologies with very limited resources and often struggled. But 2019 was a pivotal year for us as our end-to-end AI allowed us to come up with a pre-clinical asset portfolio that can rival successful biotechs, we got the best investors, and some of the smartest big pharma CEOs started looking at us as a promising biotech company," said Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD, co-founder, and CEO of Insilico Medicine.
The Fierce 15 celebrates the spirit of being "fierce"--championing innovation and creativity, even in the face of intense competition. This is FierceMedTech's 8th annual Fierce 15 selection.
"One of the true joys of covering this field is being able to talk with the people driving the next great medical advancements--technologies that may not just change a patient or parent's life, but also the day-to-day work of clinicians, surgeons, researchers and developers themselves," said Conor Hale, associate editor of FierceMedTech. "Potential breakthroughs such as these can ripple into new therapies, procedures and interventions, and ultimately more ways to heal more people."
An internationally recognized daily report reaching a network of over 90,000 medtech industry professionals, FierceMedTech provides subscribers with an authoritative analysis of the day's top stories. Every year FierceMedTech evaluates hundreds of private companies from around the world for its annual Fierce 15 list, which is based on a variety of factors such as the strength of its technology, partnerships, venture backers and competitive market position.
About Insilico Medicine
Insilico Medicine is an artificial intelligence company with offices in six countries and regions striving to accelerate three areas of drug discovery and development: disease target identification, generation of novel molecules (generative chemistry) and synthetic biological data (generative biology), and prediction of clinical trial outcomes. The Company was the first to apply the generative adversarial networks (GANs) and reinforcement learning (RL) to generate new molecular structures with the specified parameters in 2015. In addition to collaborating with large pharmaceutical companies, Insilico Medicine is also pursuing internal drug discovery programs in different disease areas. Website:
About FierceMedTech
FierceMedTech keeps biopharma executives, device developers, engineers, and researchers updated on the must-know news, trends and developments in medical technology. More than 90,000 top industry professionals rely on FierceMedTech for an insider briefing on the day's top stories.
About Questex
Questex helps people live better and longer. Questex brings people together in the markets that help people live better: travel, hospitality and wellness; the industries that help people live longer: life science and healthcare; and the technologies that enable and fuel these new experiences. We live in the experience economy--connecting our ecosystem through live events, surrounded by data insights and digital communities. We deliver experience and real results. It happens here.
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