Thursday, July 11, 2013

Future doctor is scientist doctor!

I think that some main tendencies in medicine will come in the future. The first is more and more automation routine work of doctor. The doctor will treat bigger number of patients and its work will be connected not only with patients. He or she have to try a lot of time for studying of modern scientific literature and also conduct researches in medicine himself (especially in group, command other specialist). Furthermore, next doctor will closely work with such experts as programmers, biophysics, bioengineers, pharmacologists. Professional physicians will have to great number communications with other world doctors and exchange experience with them. Of course it concerns more invasive interventions and surgery. Computer technology for this purpose will stormy evolve. I think that investing in it is very perspective.

Not secret that the majority of patients present time is more senior than 50 years. Most likely that a medical care after some 20-30 years will more quality. It will increase life expectancy of each person. Then other problem arises - the number of patients of advanced age in future will be huge!!! Now we see that the retirement age grows in many  European countries. New extremely interesting and actually
book "The Ageless Generation" (How advances in biomedicine will transform the global economy) of Russian-american bioengineer, scientist Alex Zhavoronkov is rather fully opened this theme.

In the future the same specialized clinics for persons of old age will be able offer medical care better than usual hospitals, such clinics probably will be widespread. And in medical university more attention will be paid to gerontology teaching. Now, in my university we don't study it at all.

Important that symptoms of diseases at the elderly are expressed less or can be absent in general, and the disease proceeds differently than at persons of young and middle age. For example features of an acute appendicitis at old people: pains are usually insignificant, temperature or normal, or is slightly increased. Tension of muscles of a belly wall can not be at all. Symptoms of irritation of a peritoneum are expressed poorly or absolutely are absent. The quantity of leukocytes in blood normal or is slightly increased. These features depend on fall of resilience of an organism of old people to an infection therefore even at the expressed destructive changes in a shoot attacks of an acute appendicitis proceed without many typical symptoms. Because of poorly expressed symptoms patients seldom address for medical care at the beginning of a disease and arrive already in the presence of peritonitis or appendicular infiltrate. Therefore at an examination of elderly patients the medicine has to have more specific tests for defining diseases. Now some of such usually using tests can not meet requirements of medicine for elderly patients.

Here is some greatest Russian, American, Britain, Italian specialists in aging area:

Brian K. Kennedy 
Judith Campisi, 
Dr. Nir Barzilai
Jan Vijg, 
Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider, Jack W. Szostak , The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2009 for the discovery of  "how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase" (Telomeres delay ageing of the cell).
Robert J. Shmookler Reis
Claudio Franceschi 
Andrei Gudkov 
Elena G. Pasyukova
Vera Gorbunova
Khavinson Vladimir
Aleksei Moskalev

And also I would like recommend to You  some sites about biogerontology:

How to Become a Biogerontologist
Ever wondered about how much money governments worldwide spend on aging research and specifically on YOUR AREA OF INTEREST? Would you like to see the answer to these questions with graphs, charts and publications? One of the best tools for aging research spotted.

Сonclusion: most likely the medicine of the future will be very closely connected with gerontology.

We know that main causes of death in the developed and developing countries including Russia is cardiovascular diseases and a cancer (a cancer most often meets at elderly and old), so we can say that is causes accompanying aging. Among diseases on aging also considerable diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, arterial hypertension, Alzheimer's disease. Atherosclerosis as a cardiovascular disease is often attract attention of many scientists now and past, in the future most likely this problem will be solved or negative consequences of atherosclerosis simply will be treated therapeutic. Whether there will be needed a stenting and aorto coronary bypass surgery? Probably not. But, i think, surgeons and experts in the field of transplantology, and also doctors of methods of visualization will be exact necessary.

As for me, I and my command of young scientists (bioinformaticly, bioengineering, medical profiles ) we are engaged in studying of process of a calcification connective tissue  (a special case of a mineralization of process). Why calcification? - Calcification of vessels occurs at each person and she becomes most expressed at people is more senior than 50 years. This process accompanies atherosclerosis - the main reason of cardiovascular diseases. We very much hope that we will be able to find a way which will stop a active pathological calcification of vessels with aging! And probably thanks to it the problem of atherosclerosis will be solved? But it is a subject of the other my blog ...

Nowdays in main Russian medical university more active students want to be no only doctor but the scientist doctor. For me very pleasantly that among them there are a lot of girls, young scientists (and I am one of them:). And we have  even own Russian Society of the Woman in Science!
Future doctor it first of all the doctor who can understand base tendencies of development of medicine, is able to react to them, which to advance their development in time. One, most important of which is gerontology. Considering the aforesaid, interstingly, what medical residency you will going to choose in the future?

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