Recently it happened so that I translated one article devoted to the model, analyzing the investment market of regenerative medicine. I never thought of mathematical models but as work in it took a lot of time from me earlier, it was remembered to me for a long time! In this regard I had again one thought. Now there is in the world a tendency to the personalized medicine, a sequencing, genotyping. I think, that probably itsn`t need a Sequencing and genotyping of all and everyone , even in that case if it will be quite cheap (to 100 dollars and less). If we present a certain population from 100 people consisting in the family relations, genotyping or which sequencingneed to be carried out. If results 30 of them to us are known (has to be both gorizontal and vertical), probably, by means of mathematical model it will be possible to judge indirectly a genotype of each person from this population. And, I think that the error will be small. Probably the error can be reduced by data of the anamnesis of people. In difficult situations genotyping and a sequencing may be carry out. Results of usual clinical tests also most likely will reduce mistake level. It seems to me that it considerably can cut expenses of health care on researches of this sort and in general will increase quality of rendered medical services. I don't know, can do it thought it isn't new and still, I just write my opinion.
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