Recent College Graduate and Insilico Medicine Intern Prepares for a Career in Bioinformatics
Since the dawn of the internet, computer scientists graduating from
universities throughout the US have set their sights on Silicon Valley,
focusing on careers in business and internet startups.
Why are software engineers like Scarlett launching careers in bioinformatics? "Software will transform medicine the same way it's transforming our daily lives," said Scarlett. "It's exciting to know that biological discoveries I'll be working on may one day save lives; I believe the most powerful tool in making these discoveries will be the computer, not the microscope."
Bioinformatics is the application of computer technology to the management of biological information. Computers are used to gather, store, analyze and integrate biological and genetic information which can then be applied to gene-based drug discovery and development. Bioinformatics specialists like Scarlett must acquire an eclectic blend of training in molecular biology, chemistry, and computer science.
Over the past year, Scarlett acquired much of his training as an internet at Insilico Medicine, a Baltimore-based bioinformatics company. The mission of InSilico Medicine is to find working solutions to treat and cure age-related diseases and even cure aging itself. "I think that the Insilico mission is bold and ambitious," said Scarlett. "The company plans to transform the pharmaceutical industry with computational methods. I believe in their mission and their success."
As his internship at Insilico Medicine draws to an end, Scarlett and other young computer scientists have more career options than ever before. Big pharma, biotech, and software companies are clamoring to hire software engineers who know how to compile, analyze, and visualize huge amounts of biological data. This is why a recent study predicted the bioinformatics industry would generate more than 12 billion dollars in revenue by 2020.
"If the computer infrastructure of Facebook or Twitter was leveraged to find a cure for cancer and fight other age-related diseases, everyone's health worldwide would improve, said Scarlett. "That's why I chose a career in bioinformatics."
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CONTACT: InSilico Medicine, Inc. Qingsong Zhu, PhD +1 4434517212
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