Tuesday, October 30, 2018


2018年10月30日,星期二.Insilico Medicine 总部位于罗克维尔市, 主要借助前沿人工智能开发端到端药物发现管道。 Insilico Medicine 将于11月13日至14日在上海参加BioCentury中国医疗保健峰会(BioCentury China Health Care Summit),并展示公司利用AI进行药物发现的研究成果。
人工智能(AI)技术,如深度学习(DL),强化学习(RL)和生成性对抗网络(GAN),能从许多层面上促进对衰老和疾病的生物学方面的研究。Alex Zhavoronkov 博士将介绍 Insilico的最新研究成果:利用生成对抗性网络和强化学习生成的新型先导小分子,以及与人类衰老和年龄相关的疾病的多模态生物标记物。
“BioCentury China 是生物技术行业的主要平台之一。 我很高兴能参加这次活动。 目前, 中国在利用人工智能进行药物发现方面,成绩越来越突出,有重塑医药行业和医疗保健业面貌的潜力。Insilico Medicine 致力于在中国开发最先进的AI解决方案, 并成为前沿制药公司的首选合作伙伴。” Insilico Medicine, Inc 的创始人兼CEO, Alex Zhavoronkov 博士说。
第五届 BioCentury-BayHelix 中国医疗保健峰会聚集了来自生物制药界和生命科学方面的领军人物,帮助参会者了解中国目前创新,商业和政策转型的最前线的消息。峰会将于11月13日至14日举行。
### Insilico Medicine 定期在同行评审的期刊上发表研究论文。 公司率先利用生成对抗性网络 (GANs)生成特定参数的新型分子结构,并于2016年6月发表了一份极具影响力的同行评审论文。后来这一概念得到进一步拓展,加入了先进记忆和强化学习部分。最新发表的论文中,有一篇刊登在《老年学杂志》上,展示了深层神经网络在评估患者的生理年龄方面的应用。最新一期的《分子药剂》特刊上也刊登了Insilico Medicine的几篇研究论文。 如需更多信息,图片或有意采访,请联系我们。 联系人:Klug Gehilfer ai@pharma.ai 网站: http://www.insilico.com会议官方网站:https://www.biocentury.com/conferences/china-healthcare-summit-2018
关于Insilico Medicine, Inc
Insilico Medicine 是一家人工智能公司, 在美国、比利时、俄罗斯、英国、台湾和韩国都设有研发办公室,雇员来自各个编程马拉松和比赛。本公司及其科学家致力于延长人类生产力年限,通过在发现生物标志物、药物开发,数字医学和老龄化研究方面的卓越表现,给药物发现和开发过程中的每一个步骤带来革新。
Insilico是利用生成对抗性网络(GANs)和强化学习的应用,生成新的分子结构,治疗有已知配体但无具体标靶的疾病的先行者。 除了与大型制药公司合作,公司内部也在进行药物发现项目,包括癌症,皮肤疾病,纤维变性,帕金森病,阿尔茨海默症,肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症,糖尿病,肌肉减少症,和衰老方面的药物。Insilico还与LifeExtension.com建立合作伙伴关系,结合先进的生物信息学和深度学习技术,Insilico推出了一系列的保健食品。 另外,Insilico还提供了一系列面向消费者的应用程序,包括Young.Ai。 
在2017年,Insilico Medicine当选NVIDIA五大“潜在最具社会影响的五大AI公司“之一。 2018年,Insilico被CBS Insights评为全球AI企业100强。 2018年, Insilico 获得了弗若斯特沙利文2018 北美衰老研究与药物人工智能开发奖,伴有行业简报。
简短的公司介绍视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l62jlwgl3v8。 了解更多信息,请访问http://www.insilico.com

Insilico to present its research in AI at BioCentury China Healthcare Summit

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 - Insilico Medicine, a Rockville-based company developing the end-to-end drug discovery pipeline utilizing the next generation artificial intelligence, will present its research in AI for drug discovery at BioCentury China HealthCare Summit in Shanghai, 13-14 of November.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, such as deep learning (DL), reinforcement learning (RL), and generative adversarial networks (GANs) play a pivotal role in studying the biology of aging and disease on many levels. Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD will present Insilico's latest results in the generation of novel small molecule leads using the Generative Adversarial Networks and Reinforcement Learning, as well as the multi-modal biomarkers of human aging and age-related diseases. 
"I am very happy to present at BioCentury China, one of the main platforms for the biotechnology industry. China is rapidly gaining prominence in artificial intelligence for drug discovery and has the potential to reinvent the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare in general. Insilico Medicine is committed to developing the most advanced AI solutions in China and becoming a partner of choice for the next-generation pharmaceutical companies", says Alex Zhavoronkov, Ph.D., Founder, and CEO of Insilico Medicine, Inc.
5th BioCentury-BayHelix China Healthcare Summit brings together the biopharmaceutical community and life sciences executives to get a first-hand look at the innovation, business and policy transformations taking place in China. The Summit is held on 13-14 of November.
Insilico Medicine is regularly publishing research papers in peer-reviewed journals. The company was first to apply the generative adversarial networks (GANs) to the generation of the new molecular structures with the specified parameters and published a seminal peer-reviewed paper submitted in June 2016. The concept was further extended and augmented with advanced memory and reinforcement learning. One of the latest papers published in the Journals of Gerontology demonstrated the application of the deep neural networks to assessing the biological age of the patients. The latest special issue in Molecular Pharmaceutics featured several research papers by Insilico Medicine. 
For further information, images or interviews, please contact:
Contact: Klug Gehilfer 
Official website of the conference: 
About Insilico Medicine, Inc
Insilico Medicine is an artificial intelligence company headquartered in Rockville, with R&D and management resources in Belgium, Russia, UK, Taiwan, and Korea sourced through hackathons and competitions. The company and its scientists are dedicated to extending human productive longevity and transforming every step of the drug discovery and drug development process through excellence in biomarker discovery, drug development, digital medicine, and aging research.
Insilico pioneered the applications of the generative adversarial networks (GANs) and reinforcement learning for generation of novel molecular structures for the diseases with a known target and with no known targets. In addition to working collaborations with the large pharmaceutical companies, the company is pursuing internal drug discovery programs in cancer, dermatological diseases, fibrosis, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, ALS, diabetes, sarcopenia, and aging. Through a partnership with LifeExtension.com, the company launched a range of nutraceutical products compounded using the advanced bioinformatics techniques and deep learning approaches. It also provides a range of consumer-facing applications including Young.AI.
In 2017, NVIDIA selected Insilico Medicine as one of the Top 5 AI companies in its potential for social impact. In 2018, the company was named one of the global top 100 AI companies by CB Insights. In 2018 it received the Frost & Sullivan 2018 North American Artificial Intelligence for Aging Research and Drug Development Award accompanied with the industry brief. Brief company video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l62jlwgL3v8http://www.insilico.com

Insilico to present its latest advances in human aging biomarker development

Monday, October 29, 2018 - Insilico Medicine, a Rockville-based company developing the end-to-end drug discovery pipeline utilizing the next generation artificial intelligence, will present its latest advances in human aging biomarker development at the Investing in the Age of Longevity Conference in London, 1 of November.
New technologies in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are paving the way for advanced biotechnology research of aging. The presentation will focus on recent developments in biomarkers, using deep learning, blood biochemistry, gene expression, as well as imaging data. It will also cover the application of deep neural networks in drug discovery, including the generation of new models that could target the aging process.
"We are happy to present some of our latest research at the Investing in the Age of Longevity Conference, which gathers the leading longevity scientists and investors. Longevity has fascinated mankind for centuries, and now with the increased scientific understanding of aging we are looking into the longevity industry as one of the greatest investment opportunities of all time," says Polina Mamoshina, a senior research scientist at Insilico Medicine.
Investing in the Age of Longevity brings together all the scientists and business leaders to discuss obstacles and objectives, share and learn the first-hand experience from the experts, as well as help investment companies utilize the scientific expertise in building a solid longevity investment portfolio. The Conference is held on the 1st of November.
For the audience, interested in learning more about the opportunities and challenges of the industry, professor Alex Zhavoronkov, CEO and Founder of Insilico Medicine, will be participating in the panel discussion of the Conference jointly with other experts of the field.
Insilico Medicine is regularly publishing research papers in peer-reviewed journals. The company was first to apply the generative adversarial networks (GANs) to the generation of the new molecular structures with the specified parameters and published a seminal peer-reviewed paper submitted in June 2016. The concept was further extended and augmented with advanced memory and reinforcement learning. One of the latest papers published in the Journals of Gerontology demonstrated the application of the deep neural networks to assessing the biological age of the patients. The latest special issue in Molecular Pharmaceutics featured several research papers by Insilico Medicine. 
For further information, images or interviews, please contact:
Contact: Klug Gehilfer
Official website of the conference: Investing in the Age of Longevity Conference
About Insilico Medicine, Inc
Insilico Medicine is an artificial intelligence company headquartered in Rockville, with R&D and management resources in Belgium, Russia, UK, Taiwan, and Korea sourced through hackathons and competitions. The company and its scientists are dedicated to extending human productive longevity and transforming every step of the drug discovery and drug development process through excellence in biomarker discovery, drug development, digital medicine, and aging research.
Insilico pioneered the applications of the generative adversarial networks (GANs) and reinforcement learning for generation of novel molecular structures for the diseases with a known target and with no known targets. In addition to working collaborations with the large pharmaceutical companies, the company is pursuing internal drug discovery programs in cancer, dermatological diseases, fibrosis, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, ALS, diabetes, sarcopenia, and aging. Through a partnership with LifeExtension.com, the company launched a range of nutraceutical products compounded using the advanced bioinformatics techniques and deep learning approaches. It also provides a range of consumer-facing applications including Young.AI.

In 2017, NVIDIA selected Insilico Medicine as one of the Top 5 AI companies in its potential for social impact. In 2018, the company was named one of the global top 100 AI companies by CB Insights. In 2018 it received the Frost & Sullivan 2018 North American Artificial Intelligence for Aging Research and Drug Development Award accompanied with the industry brief. Brief company video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l62jlwgL3v8http://www.insilico.com

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Insilico Medicine to present its latest results in generative chemistry AI Applications Summit

Monday, October 22, 2018, Boston - Insilico Medicine, a Rockville-based company developing the end-to-end drug discovery pipeline utilizing the next generation artificial intelligence, will present its latest results in the applications of the generative adversarial networks (GANs) and reinforcement learning (RL) for generation of novel molecular structures at the AI Applications in Biopharma Summit in Boston, 25-26 of October.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are considered one of the most relevant and interesting inventions in modern AI. Since the emergence in 2014 GANs have become widely known for their application versatility and outstanding results in generating data. The presentation will explore the application of GANs for the generation of molecules with specific properties and generation of molecules to a specific objective.
The AI Applications in Biopharma Summit 2018 brings together the biopharmaceutical community to share the experiences, discuss obstacles, opportunities for partnerships, and the strategies used to implement AI technologies in the discovery and drug development process. The Summit is held on 25-26 of October 2018.
"GANs and GAN-RL systems are powerful tools that helped revolutionize drug discovery and biomarker development applications. At Insilico Medicine we have conducted a series of theoretical and experimental research studies in order to develop the models that could be employed in drug discovery process", says Alex Zhavoronkov, Ph.D., Founder, and CEO of Insilico Medicine, Inc.

Insilico Medicine is regularly publishing research papers in peer-reviewed journals. The company was first to apply the generative adversarial networks (GANs) to the generation of the new molecular structures with the specified parameters and published a seminal peer-reviewed paper submitted in June 2016. The concept was further extended and augmented with advanced memory and reinforcement learning. One of the latest papers published in the Journals of Gerontologydemonstrated the application of the deep neural networks to assessing the biological age of the patients. The latest special issue in Molecular Pharmaceutics featured several research papers by Insilico Medicine. 
For further information, images or interviews, please contact:
Contact: Klug Gehilfer
Official website of the conference: https://www.aiapplicationssummit.com/biopharma/
About Insilico Medicine, Inc
Insilico Medicine is an artificial intelligence company headquartered at in Rockville, with R&D and management resources in Belgium, Russia, UK, Taiwan, and Korea sourced through hackathons and competitions. The company and its scientists are dedicated to extending human productive longevity and transforming every step of the drug discovery and drug development process through excellence in biomarker discovery, drug development, digital medicine, and aging research.
Insilico pioneered the applications of the generative adversarial networks (GANs) and reinforcement learning for generation of novel molecular structures for the diseases with a known target and with no known targets. In addition to working collaborations with the large pharmaceutical companies, the company is pursuing internal drug discovery programs in cancer, dermatological diseases, fibrosis, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, ALS, diabetes, sarcopenia, and aging. Through a partnership with LifeExtension.com, the company launched a range of nutraceutical products compounded using the advanced bioinformatics techniques and deep learning approaches. It also provides a range of consumer-facing applications including Young.AI.
In 2017, NVIDIA selected Insilico Medicine as one of the Top 5 AI companies in its potential for social impact. In 2018, the company was named one of the global top 100 AI companies by CB Insights. In 2018 it received the Frost & Sullivan 2018 North American Artificial Intelligence for Aging Research and Drug Development Award accompanied with the industry brief. Brief company video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l62jlwgL3v8http://www.insilico.com

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Advances in deep learning for drug discovery and biomarker development published in top journal

New research in deep learning for drug discovery and biomarker development published in the special issue of Molecular Pharmaceutics
Wednesday, 10th of October, Rockville, MD - While the many concepts in artificial intelligence date back to the 20th century, the revolution in deep learning started around 2014-2015 when AI systems started outperforming humans in many tasks ranging from video games and image recognition to autonomous driving. The concept of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) was only introduced in 2014 and went mainstream in 2016 with the publication of the first "AI-imagined" images generated using GANs from natural language. However, due to the gap in domain expertise between chemists, biologists, and next-generation AI scientists and the lengthy validation cycles, only today we start noticing the propagation of deep learning into these fields. While there is still a gap in domain expertise in biology and chemistry in the machine learning community, it is rapidly closing and many advances are propagating into drug discovery and biomarker development. The special issue on deep learning for drug discovery and biomarker development provides an overview of the recent applications of modern AI.

Today, Insilico Medicine, one of the industry leaders bridging deep learning for biology, chemistry and digital medicine, announced the publication of a special issue dedicated to "Deep Learing for Drug Discovery and Biomarker Development" in one of the top industry journals celebrating its 15th anniversary published by the American Chemical Society, Molecular Pharmaceutics. The special issue starts with an article by the founder and CEO of Insilico Medicine, Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD, titled "Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery, Biomarker Development, and Generation of Novel Chemistry". 
"The special issue dedicated to deep learning for drug discovery and biomarker development brings together the contributions made by some of the top academics and industry experts. The collection of papers in the special issue may provide a quick introduction into the field and specifically into generative chemistry. We are very happy to see this special issue ", said Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD, founder, and CEO of Insilico Medicine. 
The special issue is mostly focused on generative chemistry using GANs and Reinforcement Learning (RL) for de-novo molecular design. Some of the articles, including the "Entangled Conditional Adversarial Autoencoder (ECAAE) for de-novo Drug Discovery" demonstrate for the first time the experimental validation of the molecules generated using these architectures. ECAAE was used to generate a novel inhibitor of Janus Kinase 3 (JAK3), implicated in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and vitiligo. The discovered molecule was tested in vitro and demonstrated high activity and selectivity.
Molecular Pharmaceutics is one of the first journals to recognize the trend in deep learning for biomedicine with the publication of the first review paper on this emerging subject in 2016. 
Insilico Medicine is regularly publishing research papers in peer-reviewed journals. The company was first who applied deep generative adversarial networks (GANs) to the generation of new molecular structures with specified parameters and published seminal proof of concept papers in the field. The paper published in Molecular Pharmaceutics in 2016 demonstrated the proof of concept of the application of deep neural networks for predicting the therapeutic class of the molecule using the transcriptional response data, received the American Chemical Society Editors' Choice Award. A recent paper published in November 2017 described the application of the next-generation AI and blockchain technologies to return the control over personal data back to the individual. One of the latest papers published in the Journals of Gerontologydemonstrated the application of the deep neural networks to assess the biological age of the patients.
Paper citation:
Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery, Biomarker Development, and Generation of Novel Chemistry
For further information, images or interviews, please contact:
Contact: Qingsong Zhu, PhD
Website: http://www.insilico.com
About Insilico Medicine, Inc
Insilico Medicine, Inc. is an artificial intelligence company headquartered in Rockville, with R&D and management resources in Belgium, Hong Kong, Ukraine, Russia, UK, Taiwan, and Korea sourced through hackathons and competitions. The company and its scientists are dedicated to extending human productive longevity and transforming every step of the drug discovery and drug development process by developing a comprehensive end-to-end learning system covering the many steps of the pharmaceutical R&D ranging from hypothesis generation, biomarker development, target ID, generative chemistry all the way to digital medicine and real-world insights.
Insilico pioneered the applications of the generative adversarial networks (GANs) and reinforcement learning (RL) for generation of novel molecular structures for the diseases with a known target and with no known targets. It also pioneered the application of GAN/GAN-RL systems for generation of synthetic human data with the desired characteristics. In addition to working collaborations with the large pharmaceutical companies, the company is pursuing internal drug discovery programs in cancer, dermatological diseases, fibrosis, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, ALS, diabetes, sarcopenia, and aging. Through a partnership with LifeExtension.com, the company launched a range of nutraceutical products compounded using the advanced bioinformatics techniques and deep learning approaches. It also provides a range of consumer-facing applications including Young.AI.
In 2017, NVIDIA selected Insilico Medicine as one of the Top 5 AI companies in its potential for social impact. In 2018, the company was named one of the global top 100 AI companies by CB Insights. In 2018 it received the Frost & Sullivan 2018 North American Artificial Intelligence for Aging Research and Drug Development Award accompanied with the industry brief. Brief company video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l62jlwgL3v8.

Insilico Medicine to present at the NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference Europe

Monday, October 8, 2018, Rockville, MD - Insilico Medicine, a Rockville-based company specializing in the application of next-generation artificial intelligence for drug discovery, biomarker development and aging research, is pleased to announce that Polina Mamoshina, a senior research scientist at Insilico Medicine will present at the Women at GTC panel on "Leadership in the age of AI". Polina was the lead author on one of the highest-cited papers in and appeared on the cover of the special issue of the American Chemical Society's Molecular Pharmaceutics dedicated to Deep Learning for Drug Discovery.

The session is dedicated to the women at GTC titled "Leadership in the age of AI" will take place on the 10th of October, 2018 during NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC) Europe that is a part of the largest global series of events focused on artificial intelligence and its applications across many important fields. This session explores the topic of "Leadership In The Age of AI". All GTC delegates who support diversity and inclusion in the tech world are invited to join.

"I think it is really timely for us to have this conversation. Nvidia organized a truly wonderful event. It is also really important for this panel to be a part of the one of the largest tech show in the world. I am really looking forward to sharing my experience and perspectives as a female researcher and deep learning scientist", said Polina Mamoshina, a senior research scientist at Insilico Medicine.
In 2017, NVIDIA selected Insilico Medicine as one of the Top 5 AI companies in its potential for social impact.


Insilico Medicine is regularly publishing research papers in peer-reviewed journals. The company was first to apply the generative adversarial networks (GANs) to generation of the new molecular structures with the specified parameters and published a seminal peer-reviewed paper submitted in June 2016. The concept was further extended and augmented with advanced memory and reinforcement learning culminating in a special issue on deep learning. The paper published in Molecular Pharmaceutics in 2016 demonstrated the first proof of concept of the application of deep neural networks for predicting the therapeutic class of the molecule using the transcriptional response data, received the American Chemical Society Editors' Choice Award. One of the latest paper published in the Journals of Gerontology demonstrated the application of the deep neural networks to assessing the biological age of the patients.

For further information, images or interviews, please contact:
Contact: Qingsong Zhu, PhD
Website: http://www.insilico.com


NVIDIA's GPU Technology Conference (GTC) Europe is part of the largest global series of events focused on artificial intelligence and its applications across many important fields.

About Insilico Medicine, Inc

Insilico Medicine is an artificial intelligence company headquartered at in Rockville, with R&D and management resources in Belgium, Russia, UK, Taiwan and Korea sourced through hackathons and competitions. The company and its scientists is dedicated to extending human productive longevity and transforming every step of the drug discovery and drug development process through excellence in biomarker discovery, drug development, digital medicine and aging research.
Insilico pioneered the applications of the generative adversarial networks (GANs) and reinforcement learning for generation of novel molecular structures for the diseases with a known target and with no known targets. In addition to working collaborations with the large pharmaceutical companies, the company is pursuing internal drug discovery programs in cancer, dermatological diseases, fibrosis, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, ALS, diabetes, sarcopenia, and aging. Through a partnership with LifeExtension.com the company launched a range of nutraceutical products compounded using the advanced bioinformatics techniques and deep learning approaches. It also provides a range of consumer-facing applications including Young.AI.

In 2017, NVIDIA selected Insilico Medicine as one of the Top 5 AI companies in its potential for social impact. In 2018, the company was named one of the global top 100 AI companies by CB Insights. In 2018 it received the Frost & Sullivan 2018 North American Artificial Intelligence for Aging Research and Drug Development Award accompanied with the industry brief. Brief company video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l62jlwgL3v8. http://www.insilico.com