Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mineral turnover test

I will a little recede from a subject of this blog though it indirectly concerns aging.  But....

I would like to share to world  the one idea while I didn't forget it, as many before. Imagine you suddenly you suspect at yourself of an organism surplus of any substance (lead or plumbum, arsenic, chrome, calcium, bismuth, chlorine or in general the raised content of radionuclides)...
Today in Russia there aren't enough doctors who in general reflect that the patient can have this or that poisoning with heavy metals or other substances. In the world for the last years was loud criminal cases about poisoning with radionuclides. It seems to me that probably it is much more of them. For example not to time didn't see the doctor in Russia who would direct at me the patient on research of a mineral turnover, poisonings with heavy metals, radionuclides. At the same time, there are many hearings that our environment is far from ideal, the percent of people accepting these or those preparations increased extremely (these are dietary supplements, household chemicals, contraceptives, in general drugs, products with preservatives, use of substances in agriculture). On the other hand - researches in this area will be most likely sensational and will have also political negative. In general there is no general complex dough for definition of the general mineral turnover of the person (there is no model of it test also). Mineral disorder may be cause calcification (calcification connective tissue in many human organs). One of the known companies in Russia on laboratory diagnostics (INVITRO) offers only few tests for detection of plumbum and an assessment of pollution of water and the soil which are extremely expensive. I think that the similar situation likely exists in Europe and America. Therefore work in this area probably has to be quite profitable and demanded. Also such methods will be useful to the proof of professional harm, professional diseases.

To read this text in Russian you may see to other my blog.Thanks for your attention! I hope this is article was useful for you.

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