Friday, February 21, 2014


I want share to world some my thought about such medicine as L-thyroxin. I always considered that this preperation accelerate aging. First of all because the preparation increases activity of sympathetic vegetative system, and it as it is known raises an oxydative stress and so on.
It would be very interesting to learn who lives hipothyroid or hiperthyroid patients more long? I think - hipothyroid. This thought had been reminiscing in my mind for long time... But one example disturb my position in this question: to my mum, oncologist in past, came patient, woman. She was made total thyroidectomy. She took L-thyroxine....I was amazed when some years ago i saw here: I noted that she looks more young than she was.  But there is can be just accident.
It is interesting to note that thyroid gland in pregnance work in other way.

In my opinion,contributinon of hormonas in aging is needed to revise. For that purpose, IT-technology is mandetory. Especially the description of their interaction, levels according to circadian rhythms and representation of it in the form of the card (Metacore) and in format media movie.

It is necessary to have such form on change of hormones in an organism. Imagine "infusomat" to which the computer about a set of solutions with different hormones and the software for change of these or those entered hormones is connected. That is for example the researcher has an animal to whom it is connected such infusomat. We choose a certain program of input for example at once 30 hormones. And then we estimate their effect. It would be super to have such full profile of change of hormones during pregnancy. And then to apply it on an old animal. Whether this get system rejuvenation genes can? Probably not! ! But  it would help the best understanding of development of the person and probably aging.

I think,  that growth of teeth too most likely is caused  by hormonas. And some ideas i have about it.

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